Wednesday, April 24, 2024



Advertisement Guidelines

Advertisement Creatives
Advertisements will be static; thus they will not containing animation or sound.
All submitted advertisements must be no larger than 70mb.
To ensure each advertisement's highest quality, it is recommended that advertisements be submitted in Vector format. Advertisements submitted in jpeg or gif formats will also be accepted; however, Rockford Kingsley can not provide any guarantee regarding the final quality of creatives submitted in these latter formats.
Advertisements must be designed with a solid/opaque background and have a clearly defined boarder to avoid conflicts with the display page.
When placed on Rockford Kingsley's website, all advertisements will initiate a new window for the destination page (i.e., target= "_blank").
The content of submitted advertisements must be supported by the webpages listed on the respective advertisements and the landing pages associated with the advertisements.
Pop-up advertising is not permitted.
The browser's back button must work from the landing page.
Advertisements or the landing pages must not utilize "fake close" icons. When the webpages are closed by the user, the pages must close and not initiate some other activity such as other web pages.
Before submitting advertisements to Rockford Kingsley, advertisers should be familiar with the guidelines set forth by the Federal Trade Commission.
Submitted advertisements must not, in any way, provide inaccurate, misleading or deceptive information about the product or service provided by the advertiser.
Rockford Kingsley will not accept advertisements that contain adult material or promote adult websites or services.
Advertisers must ensure that their advertisements comply with all applicable laws, regulations and guidelines.
Advertisements cannot include any content that infringes upon the rights of any third party; including copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity or other personal or proprietary right.
The advertiser must have intellectual property rights to the creative and be permitted to display such creative as advertising on Rockford Kingsley, Ltd.'s website.
Copyright 2015 by Rockford Kingsley Ltd.