Sunday, January 19, 2025

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Advisory Board 



William E. Berry, Jr.
William E. Berry, Jr. has distinguished himself by serving in a variety of academic, executive, and student affairs administrative positions at major colleges and universities for three decades. An activist educator and college teacher, change agent, and historian interested in the dynamics of the urban milieu and sustainability, Bill Berry brings to his professional life a wide variety of senior level management skills complemented by a keen penchant and passion for the visual and performing arts.
Bill  has  served  as  assistant  dean  for  undergraduate  studies  at  the  State  University of New York’s Center at Stony Brook, directed Antioch University’s undergraduate and graduate programs in Maryland, and served as dean of student affairs at Malcolm-King College, Harlem, New York. William Berry served as the first dean of institutional initiatives at Cayuga Community College of the State University of New York, and more recently as vice president of student affairs at Briarcliffe College on Long Island.  …Read More About William E. Berry, Jr.

Barbara S. Durrant
Barbara DurrantDr. Barbara Durrant received her B.S. in animal science, M.S. in Physiology, and Ph.D. in Reproductive Physiology from the North Carolina State University in Raleigh, North Carolina. Since receiving her Ph.D. in 1979, Barbara has worked at the San Diego Zoo and currently serves as the Zoo’s Henshaw Chair and Director of the Reproductive Physiology Division of the San Diego Zoo’s Institute for Conservation Research. In addition to her employment at the San Diego Zoo, Barbara has been affiliated with a number of academic and research institutions; including: the biology departments at San Diego State University and Palomar College, and the cell biology department at the Scripps Research Institute. 
In her scientific career, Dr. Durrant has published over 150 scientific papers and has given over 100 presentations to various learned societies including the American Society of Andrology, International Embryo Transfer Society, and the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. Dr. Durrant has written chapters for seven books and has served as a coeditor for a volume on the conservation of endangered species.  …Read More About Barbara S. Durrant 


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Eleanor Hillock

Eleanor grew up in the 60’s, the dawn of the women’s movement, when men and women had definite roles in society which were rarely challenged. It was a time when most men and women shared very conservative ideas. Her mother and father were no exception. In 1965, when she graduated from high school, it was just assumed that their hard-earned money would be spent on college for her brother, the future breadwinner. Although she had an academic diploma and high grades, she was encouraged to go to secretarial school for one year. She would work for a few years, find a husband and raise a family. And so she did. For years, Eleanor was a housewife, mother and daughter taking care of her elderly mother and father until they passed on.  
Then one day she remembered a quote from Walt Disney, “If you can dream it, you can do it.”  At the time, she did not realize how these simple words would influence and impact her life.  Eleanor had a thirst for knowledge. She decided to pursue her dream – to go to college.  …Read More About Eleanor Hillock
Marty Sorrentino
Marty SorrentinoMarty Sorrentino is an acclaimed real estate professional who serves New York City and Manhattan to Montauk.  Marty Sorrentino began his real estate career in 1986 as a Residential Real Estate Appraiser.  In 1993 he started his real estate sales career with a local  “mom and pop” brokerage but shortly joined a large franchise company.  In 2003 Marty joined the RE/MAX Network.  In addition to his work as a real estate appraiser and broker, Marty has served as a coach for real estate brokers through the Darryl Davis Seminars-International Real Estate Training Company.
During Marty’s 24 year real estate career, he has achieved many milestones and is respected by his peers for his work ethic and commitment to fulfilling clients’ dreams of homeownership.  Throughout Marty’s professional career he has been dedicated to outstanding customer service, a sincere interest in people, and the consistent adoption of the “pay it forward” mindset.  Marty Sorrentino is continually committed to looking for ways to help other people, and to help them as they help others. ...Read More About Marty Sorrentino


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 Stephanie Staples 

Stephanie Staples is an award winning speaker, certified personal coach, licensed practical nurse, author, and radio talk show host.  Stephanie is clearly a woman on a mission!! Her mission is to re-inspire, re-energize and re-engage individuals to live their lives with full gusto! Regardless of the media used, Stephanie connects and motivates her audiences to create “something more” with their lives through the realization that each person has unlimited potential.
Stephanie is an expert raconteur and she uses real-life stories, humor, and practical tools to empower and engage her audiences throughout Canada and the United States.   Stephanie has presented her inspirational messages to countless organizations; including: the Mayo Clinic, Government of Manitoba, Women’s Canadian Club, Health Canada, McGill University’s Health Sciences Center, Ontario Nurses Association, Enterprising Women’s Conference, Women Business Owners of Manitoba, and Canadian National Railways.  ...Read More About Stephanie Staples



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