Monday, September 09, 2024

"Thanksgiving Day is more than a day of fond memories, parades, football, and special dinners. It is also a day of thanks. On Thanksgiving Day we are reminded of the bounty of treasures that is a part of our lives. We spend a few moments before the Thanksgiving dinner to give thanks  for the richness of our lives and for our wonderful family and friends."   
Perspectives on the
Wonderment of Your Life
About This Series of Articles
Life in all its wonderment surrounds and resides in us every day. Perspectives on the Wonderment of Your Life will feature a series of essays that will provide reflections on the abundance and joy in our lives. ...Read More About Perspectives on the Wonderment of Your Life




Perspectives on the Wonderment of Your Life

 Edward F. Gibbons, Jr.


The True Meaning of Thanksgiving 

Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action." 
                                                                                 ~ W.J. Cameron
Thanksgiving is truly a special day. It was first celebrated in 1621 when the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag Indians shared a fall harvest.  In 1863 President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of thanksgiving to be held each year in November. In the United States, Thanksgiving is held on the fourth Thursday in November. Canada too has a national day of thanksgiving and that day occurs on the second Monday in October.
When we think of Thanksgiving we conjure up thoughts of leaves that have changed color and are falling from trees. We also think of visiting with family and friends, and watching Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade either in person or on television. Of course there are the traditional football games on television. Our memories also remind us of turkey dinners with all of the holiday trimmings; including stuffing! How many of us have had to loosen our belt a bit after a festive Thanksgiving Day dinner!
Thanksgiving Day is more than a day of fond memories, parades, football, and special dinners. It is also a day of thanks. On Thanksgiving Day we are reminded of the bounty of treasures that is a part of our lives. We spend a few moments before the Thanksgiving dinner to give thanks  for the richness of our lives and for our wonderful family and friends. For too many people, however, the meaning of Thanksgiving ends with spending a few moments giving of giving thanks at the dinner table.
The true meaning of Thanksgiving, however, should not end after a prayer or a few seconds of meditation devoted to thanks.  The Holiday of Thanksgiving has broader significance.  Thanksgiving is also a call to action. It is important for us to remember that the word thanksgiving is composed of two words: thanks and giving.  Through the Holiday of Thanksgiving we are reminded to give thanks and to share and give. The Holiday reminds us to share our economic and material wealth, and to share also our time and talents with other people who could use our help.    In terms of thought and deed, the Holiday of Thanksgiving gives us an enriched perspective on the abundance in our lives. 
This Thanksgiving Day take a moment and reflect on what actions you can take in the next year to fully express the meaning of Thanksgiving. Can you think of a way to free-up one hour each week so that you can give that time to someone in need? What would you do during that time? By giving of your time and talent you are acknowledging that there is abundance in your life. 
As you sit down to dinner this Thanksgiving, spend a few moments giving thanks. Also, share with your family and friends what actions you will take in the next year to fully express the meaning of Thanksgiving. Then, on Thanksgiving Day 2012, as you sit down for dinner you will have a true Perspective on the Abundance of Your Life!
To You and Your Family,
Ed Gibbons
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